公司简介: Gyrfalcon Technology Inc.(简称GTI)成立于美国硅谷,创业团队由多位来自国际知名的芯片企业与人工智能领域的专家组成, 包括AMD、Spansion、TDK、Legend Silicon、Omnivision、China Mobile USA、Cadence、C-Cube和 C2 Microsystems等业内知名公司。创业团队拥有超过三十年的深厚学术研究与产业化背景,掌握丰富的芯片设计与存储器研发技术,由GTI创业团队参与设计并成功量产的芯片产品超过80个,在数据分布、神经网络与存储器技术领域发表超过100篇期刊与200项专利。其中创始人之一在1988年发表的细胞神经网络论文至今被其他论文引用超过4000次。公司由美国硅谷资深人工智能科学家及半导体芯片行业专家团队创立,专注于实现人工智能产业化,凭借核心技术研发人工智能与机器学习专用处理器芯片,并提供配套应用解决方案,实现持续创新与技术领先。公司目前已完成来自美国、中国、日本、韩国的两轮融资。公司愿景我们正致力于如何将人工智能作为基础能力实现人工智能应用的通用化,将云端智能带入终端并运行在大众化平台之上,助力人工智能产业实现革命性的突破。Gyrfalcon Technology Inc. was founded in Silicon Valley, California by a group of veteran entrepreneurs and experts experienced in AI and Semiconductors. Core members came from top technology companies such as AMD, Spansion, TDK, Legend Silicon, Omnivision, China Mobile USA, Cadence, C-Cube and C2 Microsystems.Over the last 30 years, with their strong academic and industrial backgrounds, as well as expertise in ASIC design and memory & storage technology, Gyrfalcon’s founders have designed and shipped more than 80 silicon proven and mass production chips from small to big; and had more than 100 publications and 200 patents in data distribution, Neural Networks and memory & storage technologies. Their papers were cited more than 6,000 times in AI and memory & storage areas, and published in the Cellular Neural Network paper in 1988.ABOUT USGyrfalcon Technology is the world's leading developer of low-cost, low-power, high-performance Artificial Intelligence (AI) processors. Founded by veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and Artificial Intelligence scientists, Gyrfalcon Technology aims to expand the power of cloud Artificial Intelligence to local devices with greater performance and efficiency, and to make Artificial Intelligence Productization possible. Gyrfalcon Technology was funded by world-class financial and strategic investors from U.S., China, Japan and Korea.OUR COMMITMENTWe are committed to creating the best technology with revolutionary architecture to transform the complexities of Artificial Intelligence and neural computing hardware into a simple platform, improving performance through efficiency.深圳海青智盈科技有限公司(英文名称:GYRFALCON TECHNOLOGY INC.(SHEN ZHEN))是美国GYRFALCON TECHNOLOGY INC.的全资子公司,主要负责GTI产品在中国地区的技术支持服务。公司使命人工智能专用处理器凭借核心技术为人工智能领域创造低成本、低功耗、高能效的专用处理器芯片用户终端人工智能将云端智能带入用户终端并运行在大众化平台之上,实现人工智能应用的通用化推动消费级市场以世界领先的人工智能技术助力人工智能在消费级产品领域实现革命性突破公司总部位于美国硅谷,中国总部位于深圳。公司网站:Lightspeeur.ai公司座机:0755-26928590联系人:高小姐办公地址:深圳市南山区高新区科技南十二路18号长虹科技大厦1203室附近公交:高新园地铁站D出口(1号罗宝线) / 大冲公交站台
